Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Blue Moon Pumpkin Ale

Pours clear amber with a short lived off white head that leaves an oily looking film. This ale has an aroma of clove spice with a hint of pumpkin. 

The flavor is sweet with notes of nutmeg, allspice, and biscuits. The pumpkin flavor is unfortunately very mild, and is dominated by the clove sweetness and allspice flavor. The carbonation is nearly absent, giving this ale a flat body. The sweetness of this ale becomes overwhelming after a while, which produce a sticky syrupy sweet finish. 

Overall, I'm not a fan of this seasonal offering from Blue Moon. It lacks the advertised pumpkin and is overly sweet for my taste buds. The sweet stickiness of this brew also makes it feel very heavy and filling. Not terrible, but I couldn't see myself drinking more than one during a sitting. 

The Great Pumpkin Is Not Pleased. 

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