Saturday, February 18, 2012

Founders Double Trouble

Pours clear and golden, with two fingers of white head. Citrus aroma, strong notes of hops. I can already tell this is going to be good just by the smell. Double Trouble has a citrus flavor with notes of pineapple and pine. Immediately noticeable are the explosion of hops followed with some great bittersweetness. Medium carbonated body. The finish is slightly spicy followed by a warming wave of comfort and apricots.

The first thing I thought of when I poured this ale was the legendary blues guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughn and his band Double Trouble. Stevie and Double Trouble paired with Founders Double Trouble creates an evening where music will absorb your soul. The 9.4% ABV will help release any tension in your shoulders and let the blues consume your troubles. Close your eyes, take a sip, turn up the radio, and let the goosebumps take over. There is something about those long songs, the down tempo back bone, and the mournful guitar licks that mask the everyday woes and makes you feel alive.

At the end of a long week, the best pairing is the blues and brews. With company or in solitary, it’s always the perfect medicine.


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